We're the leading agency in artificial intelligence & machine learning

   +31 6 53 64 34 73   St. Jacobsstraat 12, Utrecht

Dear Data & Analytics team at Vanderlande,

I am thrilled to invite you to our upcoming interactive inspiration session on March 31st! This session is all about inspiring you to come up with innovative AI & Machine Learning ideas that can make Vanderlande even smarter and more efficient.

We know that the power of AI and Machine Learning is enormous, and we want to tap into your expertise and creativity to see how we can leverage these cutting-edge technologies to transform your business. This session will be a unique opportunity for you to brainstorm and share your ideas with your colleagues, all while having fun and collaborating in an exciting and engaging way.

The best part? Everyone can join, and actively participate in making Vanderlande smarter. Whether you are an expert in data analysis or just getting started, we welcome you to bring your insights and ideas to the table. Our team of experts will guide you through the process, providing you with insights, feedback, and inspiration along the way.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us on March 31st and be part of an incredible journey to transform Vanderlande through AI & Machine Learning. This is your chance to make a real impact on your business and leave your mark on the industry.

We look forward to seeing you there!


This is a hybrid session and everyone will be using our Miro board during the interactive parts. So, please bring your laptop to share your ideas.


09:00 – Introduction

09:15 – AI Inspiration & Typical Use Cases

10:15 – Break

10:30 – Interactive ideation of AI use cases for Vanderlande

11:30 – End


About us

Aigency is the leading digital agency for artificial intelligence. Aigency has experience helping innovation leaders explore opportunities to leverage datasets and find the right AI solution to meet challenges. Our team of experts helps to choose the right solution and guide the process towards a perfect match between technology and objective.

Get in Touch


St. Jacobsstraat 12, Utrecht


+31 318 55 20 20



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